Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Choosing a Safe Deodorant

How to Choose a Safe Deodorant

We are supposed to sweat!  Sweating is our bodies natural way to cool us down and bring our body temperature as close to 98.6 degrees as possible.  Even if it's not hot out or you didn't just finish a workout, your body should still sweat as it burns food and creates heat.  I know this is all well and good but in our culture, none of us want to run around with smelly, wet arm pits!  What a girl (or guy) to do?

The sweat that the body produces in the under arm area is made up of fats, water, and salt.  It has an odor of it's own which is made even more unpleasant as it breaks down and is attacked by bacteria naturally present on the skin.  Over the years, in our quest to smell fresh, antiperspirants and deodorants were created with a host of chemicals to block or mask this natural function.  Some of those chemicals may be downright dangerous:

1.  Aluminum:  Antiperspirants rely on aluminum salts (mainly aluminum chloride and  aluminum zirconium) to stop sweat.  What actually happens is that the aluminum is absorbed into the cells that line the sweat ducts.  According to dermatologist Dr. Eric Hanson of the University of North Carolina's Department of Dermatology, "the aluminum ions are taken into the cells that line the eccrine-gland ducts at the opening of the epidermis, the top layer of the skin,  when the aluminum ions are drawn into the cells, water passes in with them. As more water flows in, the cells begin to swell, squeezing the ducts closed so that sweat can't get out."  Aluminum, one of the most common elements on earth, is a known neurotoxin.  Deodorants containing aluminum may get into the blood stream and then into the brain.  Although more research is needed, there is a suspected link between aluminum and Alzheimer's disease.  There is also a suspected link between breast cancer and aluminum because these compounds can mimic estrogen hormones.

2. Triclosan:  Triclosan is an antimicrobial that is present in many deodorants to kill the bacteria that causes odor.   The problems with this ingredient are that it's a suspected endocrine disruptor and carcinogen that accumulates in the body over time.  It's also a hazard in the environment as it forms new carcinogenic compounds (including  chlorinated dioxins and chloroform) when it gets together with chlorine found in treated water and waste water.  The concerns over triclosan have caused the EPA to register it as a pesticide.

3.  TEA, DEA and BHT:  TEA and DEA adjust PH and BHT is a synthetic antioxidant.  They are known hormone disruptors, estrogen mimickers and are either known to cause cancer or create free radicals when the body metabolizes them.  TEA and DEA are restricted in Europe because of their cancer-causing effects. The EWG database gives TEA and BHT are a "5" and DEA a "7" for a safety score (with 0 being the lowest risk and 10 being the highest risk).

Other chemicals that should be avoided are talc, propylene glycol, SD alcohol 40 and FD&C colors.

So back to what to look for in a safe deodorant.  I think that the best source is to take a look at the deodorants listed on the Environmental Working Groups website.;;deodorant/  Here you can look up your current brand and search for ones with a lower hazard score.  It's helpful to look for natural and organic brands but beware because even Tom's of Maine has propylene glycol as a main ingredient.  Look for these ingredients in safer products:  cornstarch, arrowroot, coconut oil, pure essential oils, vodka and baking soda.  For a homemade concoction, try swapping apple cider vinegar in your pits to prevent odor.  If you do decide to buy a new deodorant I recommend buying the smallest size to make sure it works for you.  Deodorants react differently with different body chemistry and one size definitely does not fit all.  I've been using Be Green Bath and Body Natural Deodorant for 2 years and it works great for me.  It comes in a stick and in warmer weather is more like a putty as some of the ingredients soften.  It can be used softened or refrigerated to maintain the harder consistency.  You can purchase it at

Happy odor -free summer!
"Nourish your skin safely." ™

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Reducing Eczema Flare-ups

Olive oil is an effective moisturizer for
skin with eczema.
Cold, dry winter weather always seems to cause eczema to flare-up more often.   Also called atopic dermatitis, it seems to affect children and young adults more frequently and it is thought to be hereditary in families with a history of allergies. Although the exact reason why people develop allergies is unknown, there are many things that are known to contribute to triggering allergies.  The hard part is figuring out what the allergy trigger is that may be causing the eczema.  For children, it may be food related:  beef products, dairy products, wheat, preservatives or dyes.  It could also be caused by environmental factors:  pollen, dust, pets, cold/dry winter weather, perfumes and physical and emotional stress.

Aside from avoiding the triggers here are some ideas to help prevent flare-ups:

  1.  Keep your skin hydrated- Using moisturizers (even when you’re not experiencing a flare-up) will help keep your skins barrier intact and healthy. It is especially important to moisturize immediately after a bath or shower.  Dry skin is prone to cracking, allowing irritants to penetrate your skin.  It’s important to use moisturizers that are as natural as possible.  Most creams on the market contain a slew of harsh chemicals that may actually make your condition worse.  Steer clear of creams with propylene glycol and PEG’s.   These chemicals are used as penetration enhancers and humectants because they rupture the skin’s membrane.  As a result, they are known to aggravate eczema (and acne).   See below for ingredients I recommend you look for in natural moisturizers.
  2. Clean your skin carefully- Use mild, natural soaps that are free of harsh detergents and fragrances.  Don’t use loofahs, poufs, shower brushes or products with rough exfoliants.  Bathe and shower in warm not hot water.  For baths, try adding ¼ cup of ground up oatmeal (coffee grinder works great for this) or 1 tbsp of olive oil to the water.
  3. Keep your diet in check- Drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables to keep your body hydrated.  Try keeping a food journal to see if you can determine the cause of a flare-up.  Avoid junk food and soda and keep alcohol and coffee to a minimum. (I know that one is hard!)  Also make sure you get enough essential fatty acids in your diet and vitamins A and E to help keep your skin moisturized from within. 
  4. Reduce your stress levels- If you’re managing a job or 2, school, and/or kids this can be so difficult to accomplish.  If you work in a high stress environment, try to take breaks and find an activity that will take your mind away from these cares.  You might try reading, meditation or exercise. (Kickboxing is my favorite stress reliever!)

A request I get a lot from customers of Be Green Bath and Body ( is what do I recommend they use on their children as a moisturizer to relieve eczema.  Since Be Green Bath and Body uses only natural and organic ingredients that are pure and simple, my customers already know to avoid these ingredients that may contribute to eczema flare-ups:
-          Synthetic dyes (FD&C)
-          Synthetic fragrances and perfume
-          Petroleum products (mineral oil, baby oil, petrolatum)
-          Propylene glycol and PEG’s
-          Preservatives with known health concerns (parabens, imidazolidinyl and diazolidinyl urea)

Eczema sufferers are best served with simple, highly moisturizing products that contain as few ingredients as possible.  Even though the ingredients I recommend are natural, some people are also allergic to these.  The fewer the ingredients, the easier it is to determine the allergy culprit.  Look for these ingredients in your eczema treatments:
-          Olive oil- an emollient with excellent antioxidants that has wonderful skin softening properties.
-          Coconut oil- helps skin retain moisture.  High in lauric acid.
-          Evening primrose oil- high in essential fatty acids like gamma linolenic acid.
-          Calendula- the common marigold that has calming, anti-inflammatory and skin healing  properties.
-          Chamomile- flower that is a softening agent known for calming and healing.
-          Colloidal oatmeal- oatmeal ground to a specific particle size that is a natural cleanser and soothing to skin irritations.
-          Vegetable glycerin- a natural humectant to help draw water to the skin.
-          Aloe- relieves irritation and helps to restore skin to its natural PH.
-          Essential oils of lavender, carrot, German chamomile, geranium
-          Neem oil- made from the leaves and bark of the neem tree that is native to India, this  oil helps skin to retain moisture.

At Be Green Bath and Body, I have created a thick, rich calendula cream to help keep the skin of eczema sufferers moisturized.  This and evening primrose oil infused with organic chamomile and calendula will be available soon.  The oil is especially useful when applied immediately after a bath or shower.  In the mean time, please try some of these other natural remedies:

1.  A mixture of honey and cinnamon.  Honey is like a miracle ingredient and I have heard that a past of cinnamon and honey works well.
2.  A mixture of baking soda and water.
3.  Oatmeal added to a bath.
4.  A mixture of 50% apple cider vinegar and 50% water sponged on your body or put in a bath.
5.  Lavender essential oil- calming and soothing to the skin and safe for use during pregnancy.  This is one of only a few essential oils that can be used undiluted on the skin.  I love to use this in the summer on mosquito bites as I find it very effective in taking away the itch. 
You can read about these and other wonderful, natural skin ingredients in our ingredient dictionary here  Questions or comments can be directly to Karen at  Thank you for letting us help you "Nourish your skin safely." ™